Monday, January 18, 2010


Many of us refuse to grow where God plants us. Therefore, we don't take root anywhere. Jesus said if we would obey the life of God within us, He would look after all other things. Did Jesus Christ lie to us? Are we experiencing the “much more” He promised? If we are not, it is because we are not obeying the life God has given us and have cluttered our minds with confusing thoughts and worries. –Oswald Chambers

Crisis. We all go though periods, seasons, or events that we call a time of “crisis.” God uses crisis situations to teach us important things. Crisis reveals things to us. Sometimes it reveals things we never would have known were there had the crisis not occurred. For instance, crisis might reveal a faith and trust in God that we did not think we had. Crisis also reveals things we should have seen but instead we ignored, or did not deal with. Crisis might reveal sinful habits, anger over the past, guilt, pride, or fear.

One of the things that I have been learning though times of crisis is how much “stuff” we willingly clutter our lives with. So much so that the “important” and “best” things get lost, misplaced, or overlooked in the clutter of “urgent” and “good” things crowding our hearts, schedules, and relationships. Crisis seems to cut through all the clutter like a special pair of glasses that renders the important stuff opaque and everything else translucent.

It’s a shame that we do not take the time to recalibrate our lives regularly outside of crisis. Times of crisis seem to be the only times many of us get back on track and realize how much we need to do the important things like prayer, reading the Bible, loving on our family and friends, doing what needs done by us most, and not living in constant stress of having to put out all the fires of life.

You realize again how little you really are in control of and how little you can handle. You realize that it is here, at this point, at that admission of helplessness, that God has been trying to bring you so He can be God and you can be His servant, His friend, and His son or daughter. It is when you get here that the grace starts to really flow.

Many of you are going though a time of crisis right now or you know someone who is. There is a lot of “it” going around. When you are given an opportunity to see clutter in your life for what it is, do not miss the opportunity to do something about it; for much of the clutter is what led to the crisis.

For others the clutter is what is keeping us from handling the crisis better and getting through it faster. But before we start to loose our sight again, take inventory on the things in your life, work, and relationships that are really important so you will be able to discern them from what is just taking up space. Do it today. You will be glad you did.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Sixth Sense

Divine light…is a true sense of the divine excellency of the things revealed in the Word of God, and conviction of the truth and reality of them thence arising.--Jonathan Edwards, from "A Divine and Supernatural Light," preached at his church in Northampton, MA in August of 1733.

It is one thing to know about the sun and that it gives off heat, but it is another thing to feel, and love, and enjoy that heat. In fact, you can say that you really don’t have a full knowledge and understanding of the sun and what it does unless you also feel its effects. The same is true with knowing God. It is one thing to know about God, it is another to have love and enjoyment in Him and for Him.

Anyone can read the Bible and study history and conclude with confidence that Jesus of Nazareth lived, had a following of believers, that He claimed to be God, was tried and executed, and rose again from the dead. But it is a different thing entirely to be attracted to Him, to love Him, to want to obey Him and please Him, to believe that He was and is God’s Son and to give your life for Him.

James 2:19 says it like this, You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. The difference between a Christian and a non-Christian or even a demon is not what we believe about God, its how we feel about those beliefs. When you have been given what Edwards called “divine and supernatural light” you are given this attraction to God’s beauty. It’s like a sixth sense. When Christ is our Lord and Savior, He gives us this new sense, this new taste, a new preference, and desire that sees the beauty of God, the wisdom of His Word, a love of His Son, and a desire for the beauty and grace of the Spirit in our own lives and the lives of those around us.

What I have been learning from Edwards over the years is that what I need to cultivate, and protect, and pray that God continues to work in my heart is a strong affection for Him and His Word. That is the main thing. Because when you desire God, when you find that your are most happy and most fulfilled in loving Him, knowing Him, and obeying Him, and sharing His love with others, you want to do it! Coming to church, being in small groups, giving of our money and time and talents, serving others, and sharing the Gospel cease to become chores and become longings!

If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, then you have this divine and supernatural light. I hope you are in a small group. If you are in a small group, I hope the people in your group are excited about what God is doing in them and through them for His glory. If you are not yet in a group, get in one! Do everything you can to grow and cultivate and enjoy your sense of the beauty of God. Trust me, you will be glad you did.